To have your photos retouched, please send the file numbers to

All of our files begin with the letters DSC. Please make sure in the process of selecting your images this file number does not get changed by you or anyone on your team. Please triple check the number as we will not be able to redo your retouching without an additional fee if the incorrect info was submitted to us.

Some things to keep in mind:

  • Make sure your selections are in sharp focus. Zoom in and check the eyes.
  • At times you may see a light in the corner of the shot, this is an easy fix for us so don’t rule out a good photo because of it.
  • Your retouching includes color balance, removal of small blemishes, light skin smoothening, removal of flyaway hairs, teeth and eyes whitening.
Once we have your selections it generally takes us one week to finalize and send back to you. If you want more images than included in your package, there is a $20 fee per image which must be pain in advance via Venmo.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing your choices!